My Life Looks Much Different Now

Six years ago, my life was haunting. Full of despair, exploitation, and pain. Each day felt like an endless struggle against a life that threatened to consume me. Now, as I reflect on the transformative journey from those days to the present, it is a pleasure to offer a more intimate glimpse into the ordinary marvel that defines my life now. What was once extraordinary is now, miraculously, just normal.


In the spotlight of survivor comeback stories, the grandiose moments often steal the scene—testimonies shared before governments, appearances on television screens, or endeavors that etch one’s story into the tales of history. These monumental chapters, though undeniably impactful, cast shadows on the quiet revolutions happening in the minutiae of daily existence. I believe that it’s really in the unassuming corners of life that the most profound transformations unfold. For me, the awe-inspiring moment aren’t exposed through the significant strides that make headlines but are woven intricately into the fabric of ordinary life. It’s these unspoken marvels embedded in the seemingly mundane—small, everyday victories that mark the stark departure from the past and illuminate the extraordinary beauty of an utterly normal life.


Mornings used to be a battlefield, a daily confrontation with the reality of the night before. It was a time I spent preparing to endure it all over again. Now, they are simple and serene. A cup of coffee, turning on music, the warmth of sunlight streaming through the window, getting my child ready for school – these small rituals have transformed from extraordinary acts of self-care to everyday expectations. The simplicity of a morning routine, the act of stepping out the door to start our days in the same world as my neighbors, is a miracle I couldn’t have even thought to dream of during those times.


My day-to-day work is no longer a means of exploitation, sorrow, and brokenness but a source of empowerment, life, and provision. Having meaningful employment, contributing to society, and being valued for my skills were once completely out of reach. I vividly remember looking with envy at what I considered the “square” people – those who went to work, came home, all without being touched or compromising their spirit. Today, the way I work, the impact I make, and my work ethic are foundations of my self-worth and independence.


Human connections were once commodities, traded in a desperate attempt to survive. Now, they are genuine and reciprocal. Sharing laughter with friends, building trust in relationships, experiencing love without strings attached, and knowing I have people to call when life fluctuates – these are miracles of normalcy. They are reminders that I am accepted into a whole new world that blossomed in soil I believed was tainted beyond repair by exploitation.


Mundane tasks, once overshadowed by the darkness of abuse, are now sources of joy. Grocery shopping, cooking a meal, enjoying a book, and even doing the dishes, which I still can’t stand – have become the building blocks of a life that is not just normal but profoundly miraculous in its existence. I was repeatedly told that I could never have a normal life, first by abusers and traffickers and later echoed by service providers and mental health professionals who viewed my trauma as so severe it would be a lifelong disability. Now, the ability to make choices, chart my own path, and shape my destiny is a daily reality. Independence is now an ordinary privilege that I cherish.


What is now a flourishing life started one small task at a time. What I now do without thinking, what’s become second nature, started with coaching and handholding. Leaving the life is similar to living in a foreign country or learning to walk again after an injury. It’s possible, but it’s isolating, defeating, and scary without people willing to act as lifelines in this strange new world.


Each day, as I engage in the routine tasks that were once stolen from me, I am reminded of the profound transformation that has taken place. From exploitation to empowerment, the normalcy I experience is nothing short of a miracle – a celebration of resilience, healing, and the extraordinary beauty of an ordinary life.


As I savor the ordinary joys of life, there’s a profound sense of responsibility to pay it forward. Supporting organizations and mentoring survivors have become my lifeblood. The ordinary tasks of my life now hold extraordinary meaning as I contribute to a collective effort to break the cycle of abuse and create a world where every individual can experience the miraculous beauty of normalcy. And it continues to happen, with every bill we pay, with every day that we wake up and journey forward, with every time we set a date to have lunch with a friend, we defy the odd. We break the lie that there’s something irreparably broken about us.


As the chapters of my life life continue to unfold, I’m reminded that the most profound narratives are written in the understated moments. The journeys from darkness to daylight aren’t marked solely by monumental victories but by ordinary victories that knit themselves seamlessly into the fabric of our days. In relishing the beauty of normal, I’ve discovered a deep well of strength within, turning what was once extraordinary into an everyday miracle. With each mundane task undertaken, with every shared moment of joy, I continue to build upon this foundation of resilience. This story, far from being confined to my own, is an invitation to others navigating similar paths. In the cadence of the everyday, we can find extraordinary grace.

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