Charitable Deductions & Insights

For the majority of donors, the most familiar way to support a charity is though a cash gift. Some donors provide a one-time gift, while others may offer recurrent gifts throughout the year. In most cases, these donations help organizations meet their immediate needs but often fall short of raising the level of funding needed to sustain programs and operations into the future. Most donors do not realize their gifts can go further for longer. Many would gladly embrace the opportunity to support a worthy cause long-term, but simply have never been taught how to give with more impact so they stick with what’s familiar: cash.

These days the IRS allows a variety of assets to qualify for charitable deductions. Real estate, business interests, RMDs, Crypto, and other highly appreciated assets are commonly gifted to charity. Bequests via will or trusts are another common pathway to leave trust funds, life insurance proceeds and more for the benefit of an organization. Donor-Advised Funds are extremely popular giving vehicles for their ability to provide a charitable deduction upfront with no immediate pressure to issue grants right away. In some cases, the donated assets can even provide the donor with a stream of lifetime income. Sounds great, right? Yes! But how is a donor to know what giving strategy is right for them?
Simple. It starts with the recognition that the donor has a heart for charity and may be in position to contribute more than just cash. Next, it progresses into a collaborative discussion with a planned giving professional to help identify and implement the donor’s philanthropic goals in conscientious manner. Together they explore how to create the best outcomes for everyone involved. 
If you feel called to learn more about gifting more than cash, we’d love to hear from you. We believe donor education is the key to creating sustainable charitable programs and lasting meaningful relationships. Thank you for your generous support of Safe Places for Women.
Cynthia Pacheco 
National President 
GlobalTrust Funds

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